Friday, May 14, 2010

External Scoring -- Orange Text (John)

1. External Scoring
2. The Impact of Collaboration
3. Common Assessments
4. Application for WMC


  1. The idea behind external scoring is to create a norm for student work that is consistent within the school and from school to school. Teachers exchange papers with other teachers and schools exchange papers with other schools.

    Inter-rater reliability is a measure of this consistency. Teachers score the same papers independently and then cross reference their scores. The target for reliability is 80%. This process should lead to valuable discussions and, eventually, to the convergence of student expectations.

  2. Along with external scoring is the idea of teacher collaboration. Reeves mentions how the most effective schools made time for collaborative scoring very frequently. Effective schools were very intentional with the collaborative time they had. Some ways to be intentional with the meeting time:

    1. All announcements were in writing and did not use any of the time in meetings.
    2. Less "professional development" time by outside providers
    3. Collaborative scoring became a part of their routine

  3. Finally, common assessments were found in these highly effective schools. Reeves points out that students are OVER-tested, but UNDER-assessed. The purpose of assessment is to form your instruction. We give far too many tests that do not form our instruction.

    Common assessments provide consistency in student expectation and eliminate the presumption that students are incapable of meeting the standard.

  4. Application for WMC:

    1. I would like us to devote one extended meeting a month to collaborative scoring of constructed responses. I know we have tried to do this, but I agree that it needs to be more structured.

    2. Along with this structure, I would like to see inter-rater reliability being measured and to seek consistency in scoring and, ultimately, expectations for what the students can and should be able to do.

    3. I would like to see grade level collaboration for constructed responses. This means intervention teachers with regular ed. In addition, perhaps we can work with Kapaa Middle to collaborate. On a quarterly basis, we can choose a common CR and exchange papers? Just some ideas.
